"About Me" \\ Who Am I?  

Posted by Eryn

I don't feel inclined to paint a picture of who I think I am, or who I want others to believe I am. If you choose to do either, anyone worth associating with will, ultimately, realize one of the following: you're a liar, you're delusional, or you're a delusional liar. I believe everyone lives in their own versions of reality, because they are experiencing life from their own, individually unique perspectives, obviously. At the same time, we need to observe, inquire, and discuss how our personal realities relate to each other's, in order to find common ground and thus reinforce our definitions of reality. It would be pointless of me to sit here and tell you who I am in your reality, especially given that perceptions and people are both constantly evolving. Anything I believe to be true about myself may contradict what you already believe, because at least one of those factors (perception and the person being perceived) has undergone change without consulting the other. On the same note, any description of who I think I am today will probably contradict who I claim to be tomorrow ---I am approaching this time-line in a metaphorical sense, as I am probably still going to think I am God's (wasted) gift to English and Philosophy when I wake up tomorrow---.

Basically, I'm saying you just have to get to know me, because I'm not really sure myself.

This entry was posted on Monday, September 8, 2008 at Monday, September 08, 2008 . You can follow any responses to this entry through the comments feed .


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