OK, so I've spent the past few hours tinkering with this thing, and I'm satisfied. Now what? What do I put up here? It can't be anything personal, obviously --no innermost thoughts; I change my mind about such things far too often to want anyone reading about them. No one wants to hear the petty complaints someone else has against their daily lives, not when they have their own, so that's out. I find comfort in being a creature of habit, so it's not like I've got anything distinguishing to relay about my day-to-day, for the most part. The idea of creating records of my actions for others to freely access makes me a little nervous. I've made such a point of avoiding pop culture that I have no aptitude for discussing that. I spend a substantial amount of time thinking about people, but I can't really talk about that, either, since it would obviously include those who have access to this blog. What's left? I suppose I could just make things up...
On-and-off, over the years, I've been drawn to, "blogging", even though I can't so much as keep a diary. Maybe it's that failure isn't absolute until you give up. e.g. "OK, I've never made more than one or two posts per blog, but this time, this time, I will be interesting, and update consistently." Does it ever happen? No. But, there's always next time... (not to end on a cliché).
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on Monday, September 8, 2008
at Monday, September 08, 2008
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