Excessive Intro (Death Cab for Cutie - I Will Possess Your Heart)  

Posted by Eryn

With the "unabridged" version, I have to skip over most of the intro, because I'm just
not willing to sit around that long and listen to instrumental.

The probability that my interest will be both captured and maintained by this version is decidedly greater...

P.S. Will's taste in music just keeps rubbing off on me. Before you know it, I'm going to like more than
two Beatles songs, and
NIN's Trent Reznor won't sound so 'ignorably' (if you will...) monotone.

P.P.S. Not that I'm presumptuous enough to assume anyone---other than maybe William---is reading
this, but... to any Beatles fans, please note: I have said nothing that can, reasonably, be considered
[to be] in direct derision of all their other works. Forgive me, for my parent led me astray with 90s rock,
such artists as Bob Marley, The Gypsy Kings, Santana, Disturbed, and Nickelback, and by indulging
my sister's initial interest in whatever popular culture malarkey was playing on 104.1
KRBE (Houston
station--not even sure if it's still around) during my formative years.

P.P.P.S. To the NIN fans... just
what you find attractive about a lead singer who can't sing, I'll never
know. (>X3)

This entry was posted on Tuesday, September 16, 2008 at Tuesday, September 16, 2008 . You can follow any responses to this entry through the comments feed .


I'm pretty sure you just squandered all of the good feelings that my friends had towards you. :)

I maintain that you still haven't really been properly acquainted with NIN yet. Oh well.

Also, I didn't know you liked Death Cab.

September 16, 2008 at 1:57 PM

I was 100% Beatles when I was growing up.. in fact I really didn't listen to anything else. While my sister went into Donovan and Arlow Guthrie I only aged from "A Hard Days Night" into "The White Album." In my book nothing will ever be as good as the Beatles, but I have to admit that they represent a time period in my life, a time that I have since grown out of, but I still like them nontheless.

Getting into NIN myself was a pretty tough task as I recall. He's very brash and since I'm a diehard Catholic, some of his lyrics can be pretty rough, though Heresy is the only thing that comes to mind... then again that song blows ass. ANYWAY. Trents lyrics maybe very direct and simple in what he's trying to say.. but... he just rocks. I guess its the melodies for me. The combination of tech and rock just seem to really engage me...

You'll eventually come around.. they all do.

September 16, 2008 at 6:28 PM

But... I don't like his voice. I haven't got much against the lyrics--some of them are pretty cool---or the general sound of the accompanying instrumental work. His voice is just so... boring to me, if not openly grating. It makes my head hurt.

Ok, so, we are on opposite ends of generation y, and we grew up in households that favored different music. I'm sure my dad had a Beatle's vinyl tucked away somewhere, but it was a medley of Hendrix, Madonna, and Marley that he played. (Though, I'm not big-lovin' on the Hendrix, I think Madonna just needs to die already, and I only like the Marley songs that my dad played when I couldn't sleep.) Growing up, I never heard anyone mention the Beatles, except maybe references made on TV, here and there. I think something claimed they were where the pudding bowl haircut originated, because one of them had a girlfriend, or mother, or something, who cut their hair by putting a bowl on their head and trimming the hair that stuck out at the bottom. Until sophomore year, I couldn't have matched them to ANY of their songs--I can now match them to at LEAST---maybe--- three, though I know I've heard a lot more. I still don't know what their individual names are--I'd probably recognize that they were names of famous people, if I heard them. If I had to guess, I'd say there were four of them, but it might have been five.

I'm also a distinct product of '90s pop, thanks to my sister and the radio. From Courtney's side of the family, and my dad's parents, I got a lot of country music, as well. You guys learned to like NIN, but you started out with similar music backgrounds. Besides that, have you considered that you are... well, men? Do you know any females who have been, "converted"?

Also, though this isn't really significant to their sound, I find NIN repungent for tying a poor little monkey to a cross. You can tell it's trying to get away. That's not entertainment; it's animal abuse. It's disgusting. I don't find how nicely they treated it between takes at all relevant. If anything, that would just be more confusing; like a tease, but one who doesn't speak your language and appears to be threatening your life when she's not cooing over you. Don't compare it to science, either, because at least science is done gainfully.

September 17, 2008 at 2:22 PM

P.S. If you must hate, hate the 90s. Hate Brittany Spears. Hate the Posh barbie I grew up playing with. Hate the media that glorified body glitter and boy bands.

And, if it helps, I prefer punk rock, even if it has become so mainstream. Gotta love that heavy base, those repetitive chords, the high male voices singing desperately to impress people with how much they don't care about anyone's opinion... It has a high energy, organized discord that really pumps me up. It's not the proverbial, "jam", since that would be, like, Fastball's, "The Way", but it's still good. I particularly like Bowling for Soup. Their music videos are probably my favorites out there.

September 17, 2008 at 2:47 PM

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