Psych Assignment: THE INTERVIEW  

Posted by Eryn

[EDIT: I've decided I'm too lazy to make it up.  So... here it is again.  This time for serious, yeah?]

I've been given the task of interviewing people about their views on realtionships and marriage.  I need a few people, ranging from the ages 1.) 22-30, and 2.) 40-up, to answer the following questions, which I've taken from the examples, studies I found online, and a couple I threw in there myself---so, forgive me if they are ordered strangely---.  They are mostly geared toward heterosexuals, but that just reflects the bias of Ms. Mays, and society at large.  Anyone is welcome to take part in this survey/interview-thing---unless they are under 22 or between 30 and 39 years of age---.   I need responses as soon as possible; nothing submitted after the 20th is likely to be included in the study.  They can be anonymous, provided age and gender are given.  All subjects will be given test aliases, anyway.  I'd really appreciate if you could mention, or link this to people who might be willing to participate.  The more people I have, the better.  You can post your answers here, or e-mail them to me at  Please title e-mails something along the lines of, "Psychology Questions".  

Note: If a question does not ask for an explanation or elaboration, it is still acceptable (even encouraged) for you to provide such, as appropriate---I don't want to see any rants about how you've had your heart ripped out and have concluded that love is like, "the cake", i.e. a lie.

1.)   What do you think it means to love someone?
2.)   How important are relationships to you?
3.)   Do you think being friends with your spouse/significant other is important?
4.)   Is it healthy for couples to spend time apart?
5.)   What are the differences between romance and love? love and friendship?
6.)   Are you married?  If yes, how long?
7.)   Are you currently involved in a relationship?  How long?
8.)   When you have a personal problem, to whom do you turn?
9.)   What qualities do you find attractive?
10.)  How important is physical beauty in attraction?
11.)  Can you love someone without intimacy?
12.)  How important is intimacy to a successful, long-term relationship?
13.)  Do you think sex is appropriate before marriage? Have society's views on this changed since you were younger? Have your views changed?
14.)  What does it take to make a relationship work?
15.)  Is it true that "opposites attract"?
16.)  Should individuals have to "settle"?
17.)  Who should be financially dominate/supportive in a relationship?
18.)  At what age should marriage be seriously considered?
19.)  Should couples live together before getting married?
20.)  What are the roles and duties of a woman in a marriage?
21.)  What are the roles and duties of a man in a marriage?
22.)  Would you say the man should be considered the head of the household?
23.)  Who should be the primary caretaker of any offspring?
24.)  What do you think of stay-at-home dads?  Moms?
25.)  Should spanking be used as a method of punishment [for children]?
26.)  What are your views about divorce?
27.)  In case of a divorce, who should be awarded custody of the children?
28.)  What do you consider infidelity? 
29.)  Do you think you would be willing/able to forgive your significant other (for infidelity)? 
30.)  Do you think it's O.K. to maintain individual friendships with people of the opposite sex once you are dating? Married?  Explain.

I'll be very greatful to anyone who helps me by filling this out.

This entry was posted on Wednesday, September 17, 2008 at Wednesday, September 17, 2008 . You can follow any responses to this entry through the comments feed .


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